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What’s your Legacy? 

DVLF’s Legacy Society is conferred by DVLF to individuals, households, and entities who have made a lifetime cumulative contribution of $10,000 or more to one of DVLF’s endowments, or have provided for DVLF in some way through their estate plan for any dollar amount, or both. 


DVLF uses an inclusive definition of an estate plan, which is not limited to the following planned giving options: a beneficiary designation in either a retirement plan or insurance policy, a charitable giving annuity, a will, a tangible piece of property such as art and real estate, a trust, a gift of stock in a company, and more, provided the gift would be approved per the current Board-approved DVLF Gift Acceptance Policy. Acceptable gifts shall include both revocable and irrevocable gifts to support DVLF in the donor’s estate plan. Donors will be included in the Legacy Society regardless of the size of the gift so long as they maintain DVLF in at least one of their estate planning documents. 


Donor Recognition Policy for DVLF Legacy Society Members: All members of the Legacy Society who affirm that they meet the minimum requirements shall be acknowledged publicly, online, through print signage, by invitation to special events, and other channels and online, unless they request to remain Anonymous. Those Legacy Society members who join by the end of the Charter Period* will be publicly cited as Charter Members. Legacy Society members who are deceased will be acknowledged by a special marker next to their name. When the donor approves, DVLF will include the name of their spouse or partner in the listing. Individuals who affirm their inclusion of DVLF in their estate plan shall be publicly acknowledged. Legacy Society members are invited to special gatherings and shall have their names included in both electronic and print signage.


*The Charter Period has been offered for some time and the Planned Giving/Legacy Committee shall recommend a date when this opportunity will end, tentatively scheduled for December 31, 2024. 

Below please find the current members of DVLF’s Legacy Society as of February 21, 2024:

DVLF Legacy Society Sign_2.14.23.jpg
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