Join us every month at a new location!

OurNightOut-Philly is a monthly social/networking event of DVLF (Delaware Valley Legacy Fund), the LGBTQ community foundation in the Greater Philadelphia region.
Due to an issue that arose over the course of the last day with the Kimmel Center that is outside of our control, we need to cancel the March Our Night Out that was scheduled for Wednesday, March 12.
We will issue refunds to those who have already registered.
Please mark your calendars to join us on April 10, 2025, for our next event at Jet Wine Garden from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The beneficiary for April is Action Wellness, who will be at the event to provide more information about how you can get involved with Dining Out for Life. Registration for April will open in the next few days.
Our apologies again for any inconvenience that this causes. See you in April!